Reasons To Love Dental Monitoring for Your Orthodontics

Do you or your child want to try orthodontic treatment, but you are afraid to commit because of your busy schedule? Stop worrying because the solution to your problems is now available. Dental monitoring utilizes the greatest and latest technology in the orthodontic world to help you report your progress without making in-office visits.

It enables your orthodontist to monitor your progress from home and ensure orthodontics are working as they should. You can therefore reduce in-office checkups through Mount Airy dental monitoring to inform your dentists about your progression. Discussed below are a few reasons why you should try dental monitoring.

Few in-office appointments

The innovative technology applied in dental monitoring allows your dentist to monitor your progress when you are still at home. As a result, it reduces in-person appointments because you will only be needed to visit your care provider when they say so. Your care provider requires you to update them weekly about your progress.

You should take pictures of your teeth and upload the scans so your care provider can look at them. They use the scans to tell whether implants or Invisalign are helping you. Doing so reduces the time and resources you incur if you make in-office visits.


A dental monitor provides accurate measurements, typically precise data, to help your care provider determine the effectiveness of various orthodontics. Even though most people prefer in-office visits due to their effectiveness, it is essential to note that in-office appointments lack measurements that can be calculated using dental monitors.

Dental monitors have a precision that allows your dentist to compare the movement of your teeth to the therapy given. From the comparison, your care provider can tell how braces or aligners have moved your teeth. Dental monitoring helps personalize orthodontic therapy.

Allow you to check in from anywhere

Dental monitoring can help you complete your virtual orthodontist appointment, irrespective of whether you are going on a vacation or heading to college. It is the best for college students or those people with a busy schedule. You can give feedback about your progress during your free time.

The app can also continue offering dental care after your braces or aligners have been removed. You can also inform your care provider about any new dental concerns you might be having. They will use the same up to recommend treatment or call you for an in-office appointment for further diagnosis.

It’s motivating and empowering

Dental monitoring is empowering because it enables you to participate in your treatment actively. Since you are taking the scans of your teeth, you can analyze them before sending them to your dentist. Therefore, you will know what is happening in your mouth before your dentist gives you feedback.

Dental monitors make most patients motivated and dedicated to complying with what the doctor states. Your dedication to your treatment increases the odds of optimal results. For instance, you adhere to the dentist’s instructions, which increases the success rate of your orthodontics.

You also develop therapeutic communication and relationships with your dentist, making providing care easy. You are always free to seek clarity about instructions that need to be understood. You can also inquire about other symptoms or problems you might be experiencing.

You can schedule a consultation at MyOrthodontist today and be taught how to fit dental monitoring into your life. It would help if you did not fail to seek dental services because you fear some appointments might interfere with your daily schedule. After all, dental monitoring can allow you to consult from anywhere.