Four Indicators of Bad Oral Health

Did you know that your oral health does not only concern your teeth, mouth, tongue, and gums but also your overall health and wellbeing? When you don’t practice good oral hygiene, you can have tooth decay or gum damage. These issues are linked to serious health conditions like diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. An experienced dentist in Fresno will help you understand the importance of good oral hygiene and help you maintain it. You may have bad oral health if you experience the following issues:

Plaque Buildup

If you have plaque buildup, this indicates you may not be practicing good oral hygiene. This can happen when you don’t brush your teeth regularly or floss as directed. A plaque buildup can combine with minerals from your saliva and hardens into tartar.

Bad Breath

Bad breath or halitosis can be quite embarrassing and may even cause you anxiety. If you have bad breath, you may choose to chew gums or rinse with mouthwash regularly to resolve the issue. But, chronic bad breath may indicate an underlying medical problem.

Bad breath can be caused by some foods, bad oral health, and some health conditions. If your bad breath persists even if you have improved your oral hygiene, visit a dentist to know if it is caused by a more significant health issue.

Too Sensitivity and Pain

You can experience tooth pain if you have tooth decay that can reach the inner nerves when left untreated. Sensitivity to cold and hot beverages or food also indicate bad oral health. Your dentist may perform a root canal therapy procedure to address serious tooth decay. They remove the damaged pulp and clean and seal your tooth’s hole.


This gum inflammation happens because of plaque or bacteria buildup on your teeth. If you have mild gingivitis, you may not know you have it; however, it has to be addressed right away because it can result in periodontitis and loss of teeth. You may have gingivitis if you have red and swollen gums, tender gums, as well as bad breath.