Understanding Everything About Ceramic Braces

Misaligned teeth affect a person’s confidence as they become self-conscious while smiling, and they also affect their personality. Therefore, to solve the misalignment problem, there are braces available for people, but the metal braces are visible, and people are hesitant to use metal wires for their teeth. So, in this case, there are other alternative options available for people, i.e. ceramic braces. These ceramic braces are made of a similar color as the tooth color, and therefore, they are not as visible as the metal braces.

Thus, due to this reason, people opt for ceramic braces because they feel that they can get away with misaligned teeth without much visibility to the people. If you are in San Jose and want to know more about ceramic braces, then it is better to consult a San Jose CA dentist to learn more about ceramic braces. 

What are Ceramic Braces? 

Ceramic braces are known as clear braces because they are orthodontic tools that straighten teeth and fix bite problems with braces similar to the tooth color. There are tooth-colored brackets that help you to solve your issues, and these brackets are also covered with tooth-colored wires and rubber bands.


What are the Benefits of Ceramic Braces? 

  • Match natural tooth color: The first and most crucial benefit of ceramic braces is that they come from a single crystal of pure-grown sapphire. This crystal is honed and polished into a nearly invisible and beautiful bracket. People highly prefer it because they don’t have to be conscious about their looks with the ceramic braces. It almost becomes invisible or a part of the teeth, and therefore, people are comfortable with it. 
  • It proves to be a great alternative to Invisalign: Invisalign is a transparent aligner that people often use to treat their misaligned teeth. However, Invisalign has become a costly material for people. Therefore, people generally prefer ceramic braces for themselves as it is cost-effective and also provide the best alternative for Invisalign. 
  • It cannot be removed: Invisalign is used to align the teeth, but we have to remove them while eating or drinking anything. But this is not the case with the ceramic braces; once you are done with the fitting, you are free from the hassles of removing and fitting them again. It will exert pressure on your teeth to straighten them, and it might also cause minor pain, but it will be because it is straightening your teeth. 
  • Straighten teeth 24/7: Invisalign is removable, and therefore, it works only for 22 hours; however, when we talk about ceramic braces, they work 24/7. Consequently, it is considered as one of the best options for aligning your teeth.